
At Collingwood Alternative School we believe that the wellbeing of our students central to maximising their success within the classroom. Staff work together to help students learn effectively and develop positive attitudes and behaviours. To achieve this, our program offers: 

Positive Psychology Workshops

Our Youth Worker facilitates weekly Positive Psychology Workshops which seek to understand positive emotions such as joy, optimism and contentment.

Students are encouraged to share their feelings within “Circle Time” in a safe confidential environment. This promotes the building of strong personal relationships with their peers and with the school.

The students undertake small projects where they identify their strengths and share these within the group. The students also acknowledge and compliment someone in their life. Identifying, using and acknowledging their own individual strengths, as well as someone else’s, demonstrates that it is possible to become happier regardless of one’s life circumstances or temperament.

As the Youth Worker engages and builds a rapport with each student during the weekly workshops, they build trust in approaching the Youth Worker confidentially, when necessary.